Our freakin' snowblower broke again (it had the same troubles when the seller sold it to us but he got it fixed, covered under his warranty) and we've no truck to take it in with. We'll figure it out, but just a hassle we'd obviously rather avoid, especially with all the snow that's been falling. D came home after a long day at work and shovelled the driveway yesterday - I got out of it cos I had a back spasm on Friday and have spent the week recovering on the couch (lame!).

Have been pouring over seed catalogues. Think I'll order from William Dam, but not the colder-season stuff. Their seed isn't treated and would rather pay a bit more for higher germination. So probably the rest from Veseys. Also, herbs from dearest Richters. Can't wait to let the games begin... late February! One more month. I think I can, I think I can...
Nice things:
1. the feeling of cityness just before the go train enters Union station
2. playing guitar and screaming in a loud hardcore band
3. scarves
4. an electric heating pad
5. the smell of lavender