D left for the Sound again to visit relatives again, soon heading back to England. He's been into the 'stuff you should know' podcasts recently and so Josh and Chuck have become good company in the evenings. With D gone, I hung out with the two for awhile and learned about government experiments, witchcraft, and now 'can you control your dreams?' is queued up. Sitting by the fire, sleeping pets, wine. The lovely, always appreciative of it, usual.
The big wedding stuff is finally sorted and we're now onto dotting i's and crossing t's. The fun details that make planning a big bash kinda fun. It's really real to think D and I will be officially together forever in just four short months. I'll be a WIFE! GOOD GOLLY!
D got carded at the beer store yesterday (he's 34). Just wanted to document that - it happens all the time, despite his grey patches. It's kind of awesome.
Spring is sprunging - I got to walk around Toronto in sneakers the other day. That felt good. I walked all the way to Princess Margaret where they told me all is well. Kinda skipped back to work. Massive, massive, massive relief.
This weekend is wide open. I got books out of the shelves, piled and ready, if I want, whenever I feel like it. Ooo... maybe I'll finally get a card at the Bobcaygeon library.