The extra hour ahead means I get to drive in twilight when going into the city, much preferred. It's a dreamy time of day-to-evening that adds quiet sparkle to my already cinematic drives through the countryside.
Have been working a lot - two projects to finish this month for work and lots of ideas for side-projects of my own. The latest and greatest thoughts have influenced the purchase of an ipod touch. Should be here this afternoon! What I'll use it for I'm not exactly sure, but for right now... research. Ahem. Funny because am fully aware of how much time I already spend on the computer (10hrs a day-ish), so adding another that lets me compute while not in front of the computer? Oh dear.
Nice things:
1. a box full of new seeds
2. halls cough drops
3. d's blueberry scones
4. visits with family
5. watching mo watch birds
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