Saturday, January 01, 2011


Sitting on the couch in 2011 with my love, coffee, bathrobe. We had a fun new year's eve night of pizza, wine, and relaxation by the fire. It's pouring rain which is crazy - the snow is melting quickly and the grass is reappearing in the fields. It will be back tho as there's still a good 2 or 3 months of winter left.

After a week of visiting family, we made it home yesterday just as the sky darkened, both dogs surviving the hours and hours of travel. First, 4 hours west and back to see D's fam, then another 2.5 hours north and back to visit mine. We spent a couple extra days in Owen Sound to support family in supporting D's grandma "mama" - a fractured hip. But at 97, she's still one tough lady and should pull through fine. Will have to do a post about her apartment another time as it's a special place (an indoor collage garden).

Always nice to visit my hometown too. Family are well tho we're all still worried for my bro. Need to brainstorm solutions (always do but this time with urgency). Nonetheless, seasonal cheer prevailed and we arrived home with full bellies, prezzies, good memories, and a regained sense of connection and richness in all that makes up our family relations.
D and my 2010 "top 5" are: 1) getting married, 2) opening our business Mixed Greens, 3) our puppy Luna, 4) chickens, 5) Iceland honeymoon. Pretty great year for us! 2011 will probably include making MG more awesome, swimming regularly, a kick ass garden, visiting NYC, making music, and fingers-crossed, even more :)

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